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Peer to peer in 15 righe di codice

Con lo scopo di dimostrare l'impossibilità di impedire l'utilizzo di network peer-to-peer (P2P) per lo scambio di file in Rete, Edward Felten, della Princeton University, New Jersey (USA), ha sviluppato e "pubblicato" online il codice sorgente del più piccolo software P2P al mondo.
Questa è la frase con cui ha commentato l'uscita del suo programma:
“I wrote TinyP2P to illustrate the difficulty of regulating peer-to-peer applications. Peer-to-peer apps can be very simple, and any moderately skilled programmer can write one, so attempts to ban their creation would be fruitless”
Il codice sorgente di Tiny P2P è lungo appena 15 righe. In questo modo si vuole dimostrare come P2P sia una tecnologia praticamente impossibile da "imbavagliare".
Potete scaricarlo e compilarlo direttamente dal sito del professore:
Tiny P2P

ecco il sorgente:
# 1.0 (documentation at
import sys, os, SimpleXMLRPCServer, xmlrpclib, re, hmac # (C) 2004, E.W. Felten
ar,pw,res = (sys.argv,lambda[1],u).hexdigest(),
pxy,xs = (xmlrpclib.ServerProxy,SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer)
def ls(p=""):return filter(lambda n:(p=="")or res(p,n),os.listdir(os.getcwd()))
if ar[2]!="client": # license:
myU,prs,srv = ("http://"+ar[3]+":"+ar[4], ar[5:],lambda x:x.serve_forever())
def pr(x=[]): return ([(y in prs) or prs.append(y) for y in x] or 1) and prs
def c(n): return ((lambda f: (, f.close()))(file(n)))[0]
f=lambda p,n,a:(p==pw(myU))and(((n==0)and pr(a))or((n==1)and [ls(a)])or c(a))
def aug(u): return ((u==myU) and pr()) or pr(pxy(u).f(pw(u),0,pr([myU])))
pr() and [aug(s) for s in aug(pr()[0])]
(lambda sv:sv.register_function(f,"f") or srv(sv))(xs((ar[3],int(ar[4]))))
for url in pxy(ar[3]).f(pw(ar[3]),0,[]):
for fn in filter(lambda n:not n in ls(), (pxy(url).f(pw(url),1,ar[4]))[0]):
(lambda fi:fi.write(pxy(url).f(pw(url),2,fn)) or fi.close())(file(fn,"wc"))

How It Works
The program creates a small-world network, which might be used by a group of friends or business associates to share files. The program does not work well for very large networks; instead, many small networks can coexist. Each network is protected by a password; a network can be accessed only by people who know its password. (But networks are not secure against attackers who can eavesdrop on their traffic.)
The program uses standard communication protocols: HTTP and XML-RPC. HTTP is the same protocol used by web browsers to fetch pages, and XML-RPC is widely used to provide web services.

The program can be run in one of two modes, server or client. When run as a server, the program connects to a network of other servers, and makes all of the files in the current directory available for downloading by users of the network. (Files deposited into that directory while the server is running will become available immediately to other users.) To run the program as a server, you type this command:
python password server hostname portnum [otherurl]
Here password is the password for the network, hostname and portnum will be used to construct the URL on which the server will listen (http://hostname:portnum), and otherurl (which is optional) is the URL of another server that is already running as part of the network. (Otherurl will be used to hook up your server to the network. If you don't provide an otherurl, the program will assume that your server is starting a new network.)

To run the program as a client, you type this command:
python password client serverurl pattern
Here password is the network's password, serverurl is the URL of a server that belongs to the network, and pattern is a character string. This command looks at every file being shared by every server on the network. A file is downloaded, and stored in the current directory, if two things are true: (a) the file's name contains the substring pattern, and (b) there is not already a file of the same name in the current directory. (Note for ubergeeks: pattern can actually be a Python regular expression, which is matched against filenames using Python's library call.)

Note that if you run a client in the same directory where you're running a server, then files downloaded by the client will automatically be redistributed by the server. Depending on your circumstances, this may or may not be what you want. Also note that you can run multiple servers, belonging to different networks, in the same directory.

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(Ultima modifica: January 17 2008 10:01:49)